The entry fee of 50 US$ ( 42 euro or 5000 Fcp) per person ( half price for children under 10 years old) includes:

  • A souvenir T-shirt
  • Administration of the race/rally to Moorea on Saturday ;
  • A cocktail on Friday during registration ;
  • A flower necklace and the cocktail on Saturday evening  in Moorea
  • The final punch and dance performance on Sunday afternoon
  • Participation in all the following activities on Sunday: six-person outrigger canoe races, introduction to traditional sports and games, introduction to Polynesian dance and music as well as an award ceremony, the Fiji briefing, NZ and NC
  • A souvenir engraved shell per boat.
  • A breakfast on Monday morning with a briefing about your next stopovers in the South Pacific : Tonga, Fiji, NZ and Vanuatu

Optional meal ashore:
In Moorea on Saturday July 5, optional dinner in the marina restaurant (with prior registration only)
In Moorea, Sunday lunch, July 6 (Polynesian buffet of Tahitian traditional dishes, meticulously prepared in an underground oven, water on the tables and 2 drinks per person) : 4000 XPF / pers with prior registration only.

Crew contact email address




First mate

Crew member 1

Crew member 2

Crew member 3

Crew member 4

Crew member 5

Crew member 6

Crew member 7

Crew member 8

Guest Crew

Can you offer a ride to Tahitian crew?
One of the most important goals of the Rendezvous is to promote cultural exchange in various ways. So every year we encourage visiting boat owners to invite a few residents of Tahiti to ride along on the crossing to Moorea (Saturday, July 5).
It may surprise you that relatively few islanders have access to sailing, or fully understand the lifestyle of international cruisers — especially how most of them are committed to taking good care of “Moana” (the ocean).
All guests will bring their own lunch boxes, and will disembark upon arrival at Moorea.
This year, in order to promote a wide-ranging cultural exchange, we have extended the invitation to enjoy a “day at sea” to disadvantaged youth, via Papeete’s social services agency.
We hope you will consider participating in this cross-cultural exchange.

Dinner on Shore

In Moorea, Saturday, July 5, Optional dinner at the marina restaurant (by prior reservation only)

In Moorea, Sunday lunch, July 6 (spit-roast veal and polynesian buffet) - 4 000 XPF (under 12 years : 2 000 XFP)