Boat and Crew Registration
The entry fee of 50 US$ ( 42 euro or 5000 Fcp) per person ( half price for children under 10 years old) includes:
- A souvenir T-shirt
- Administration of the race/rally to Moorea on Saturday ;
- A cocktail on Friday during registration ;
- A flower necklace and the cocktail on Saturday evening in Moorea
- The final punch and dance performance on Sunday afternoon
- Participation in all the following activities on Sunday: six-person outrigger canoe races, introduction to traditional sports and games, introduction to Polynesian dance and music as well as an award ceremony, the Fiji briefing, NZ and NC
- A souvenir engraved shell per boat.
- A breakfast on Monday morning with a briefing about your next stopovers in the South Pacific : Tonga, Fiji, NZ and Vanuatu
Optional meal ashore:
In Moorea on Saturday July 5, optional dinner in the marina restaurant (with prior registration only)
In Moorea, Sunday lunch, July 6 (Polynesian buffet of Tahitian traditional dishes, meticulously prepared in an underground oven, water on the tables and 2 drinks per person) : 4000 XPF / pers with prior registration only.